The Cotswolds are an exquisitely beautiful area within central rural England: for those who are either not aware of it's beauty, or have not had the opportunity to visit, it is best described as a land of rolling hills, meadows and picturesque towns and villages rendered out of a distinct type of stone. With it's quaint shops and tearooms, renowned art galleries, antique dealers and the typical 'English' charm everywhere you cast your gaze, it's no wonder that a visit here will only conjure an unknown nostalgia, or the feeling of visiting a world long gone.
Is it any wonder then, that these majestic landscapes are filled with stories of myth and magic? Scattered with burial mounds and long barrows such as Belas Knap, Notgrove and Nympsfield, the Cotswolds have a long and rich history dating back to the Neolithic era. Perhaps the most awe-inspiring of these sites is the Rollright Stones, situated on the Oxfordshire border, which consists of three elements: The Kings Men (a 4,000 year old stone circle), The King Stone (a weathered standing stone) and The Whispering Knights (a 5,000 year old burial chamber). These rugged and outlandish stones have been inspiration for many artists and writers, most notably J.R.R Tolkien who described them as "jagged teeth out of green gums" when used describing Frodo's flight across the Barrow Downs in The Lord of the Rings.
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Photograph: Garett Mensching (2017) |
Predictably, a site of such age has accumulated many stories over the years; the most popular and well-known one being how the stones received their names:
It is said that once upon a time, a King and his army were riding across the Oxfordshire countryside when all of a sudden, they were accosted by a local witch who said to the King...
"Seven long strides thou shalt take, says she
And if Long Compton thou canst see,
King of England thou shalt be!"
The King and his men discussed the challenge that was put before them and eventually the King took seven long strides forward, only to find that his view was blocked by the brow of a hill. The witch cackled and said...
"As Long Compton thou canst not see,
"As Long Compton thou canst not see,
King of England thou shalt not be!
Rise up stick and stand still stone;
For King of England there shalt be none!
Thou and thy men hoar stones shall be,
And I myself an elder tree!"
And with that, the witch turned the King, his men and his whispering knights all into stone. You will also find an elder tree hidden deep within the bushes, towards the north-westerly side of the The Kings Men.
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Photograph: Clare Webster (2019) |
Whilst it is unclear exactly what the original uses of the Rollright Stones were, there is an undeniable aura of magic and mystery regarding this place and many tales of death, superstition, fairies and witchcraft surround the stones which have trickled down through the ages. There seems to be a history of harm coming to anyone who has attempted to damage or move the stones: one Banbury man had his cart wheels locked solid, making him unable to move, when he tried to chip a piece off one of the stones and it is also said that a soldier once took another piece of stone from the site to India with him where a bout of typhus killed him shortly afterwards. For those of you with a more wild imagination and an acquaintance with other realms, it may not come as a surprise that there is also a tradition that fairies live in small, cave-like dwellings under the stones and are said to emerge at midnight to dance by moonlight betwixt the stones.
The Rollrights are known to have been a gathering place for witches since at least the 16th century, most likely even longer, and has been the site for many rituals and coven meetings over the years. It is said that in the 17th and 18th centuries, young women used to visit the stones at midnight and touch them with their bare breasts as they were believed to promote fertility. Long Compton, the nearest village to the Rollrights only a mile away, has been synonymous with witches for many centuries and it was once documented that "there are enough witches in Long Compton to draw a wagon-load of hay up Long Compton Hill", so it is perhaps not surprising that this site still remains popular to this day with witches, druids and pagans.
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Photography: Beccy Dancer (2017) |
It is through the latter that I first became acquainted with the Rollright Stones almost a decade ago, to what has blossomed into a deep, unconditional love; or codependency, even. It all began the first time I spirit-walked, completely unintentionally. From being in a relaxed and meditative state, I suddenly found myself elsewhere; my eyes seeing and soul experiencing things outside of my body, far away from where I physically was. I'm not sure I was even aware of this place at the time it happened; I knew I certainly hadn't been there in my physical body before as it was so unfamiliar, yet familiar at the same time. The faint breeze across the side of the face whilst watching the sun set against the rolling hills in the distance, all whilst cradled by the tall pine and ash trees surrounding me; I'd never felt so at home. Standing barefoot, completely alone and grounded within the centre of the circle is a place I have been many times before; both in my physical and spiritual body, and I never grow tired. There are always new things to learn, and new spirits to meet.
The first time I ever visited the stones in my physical body, I distinctly remember being a cold, midweek evening: a group of local witches fleeing to the circle to catch the Full Moon in all her glory as a bit of an afterthought, with ill-prepared rituals and all. I remember I felt an intense pull, or beckoning towards the stones as we were approaching closer; I'd never felt anything like this before. Again, it was the sense of being called home after so many long, lost years of senseless meandering. When we finally arrived, our haphazard vigil bore no resemblance to the magic that I immediately felt all around me. From that day on, this place has completely held my heart, to which I doubt it will ever let go.
Now, I often visit when I feel the need to escape my worldly woes and to recharge. It's quite overwhelming sometimes to think that a few moments of silence can nourish every fibre of your being. I never have enough answers; always too many questions, but the spirits I have met there always do their best to guide me. I still cannot, for the life of me, explain what ties me to this place; but perhaps, like many things, an explanation isn't needed.
If you do ever have the chance to visit this enchanting place, I simply cannot recommend it enough. For the time being, perhaps you would like to indulge yourself into some of the art that has been created from it's influence: I am sure you will have noticed it's appearance in both my solo project, YYLVA, and in Edenfall too.
It is an infinite muse.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and as always, please let me know your thoughts below.
Green Blessings,
Clare 🌿
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